Sermon Notes

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Everyday Missionary:: Praying for Conversions

The Point: If we want to help others take their next step toward Jesus, then we must begin to pray for conversions.

Passage: Matthew 9:35-38

"In the latter part of the biblical narrative, the people of God (that's you and me) are named as the Messiah's ambassadors. The only thing an ambassador ever does is faithfully represent the zeal and mission of the King who sent them. This means that God has strategically placed every Christian where they are, and every church where it is, to represent the Savior's message, methods, and character. So our lives don't actually belong to us to invest as we please. Because we are the children of God, we are ambassadors: that is, we have a higher calling than self-provision and personal happiness. Every one of us is called to be a caring, loving, active, gratitude-propelled lost-seeker. Every local church is called to build and sustain a culture of evangelism to the lost." -Paul Tripp

Principles from the Passage

1) God desires to save the lost

Passage: Matthew 9:35-36; Luke 19:10

2) The opportunity isn't the issue

Passage: Matthew 9:37; 10:5-6

3) Pray for conversions

Passage: Matthew 9:38: Luke 18:1

"How is your church's regular practice in praying for people to be born again? Is there a culture of praying for conversions—for the salvation of sinners? Are these kinds of prayers the habit, rhythm, and expectation of most of your members? If not, it's no wonder we lack supernatural power and fruit. Diminished prayer reveals elevated levels of confidence in our natural abilities in ministry. Infrequent or nonexistent prayers for unbelievers to behold Christ reveal that we've lost our way. We fail to pray for conversions either because we are content with the size of our church or because we are content with ourselves, our approach, and our manufactured man-centered results in aiming to grow. Our desires need to change."

Question: If God answered yes to every one of my prayers, how many people would be saved?

What do we do?

1) Name your Reach 1

2) Commit to praying for the lost daily

3) Commit to creating a culture of prayer

  1. Make praying for lost people normal
  2. Make praying for lost people a priority


Will you commit to being a person who will pray for conversions in your everyday life?

Scripture: Matthew 7:7-8; Ephesians 3:20-21