Mission Trip Opportunities
Check out the details below for these 3 mission opportunities!
Loveland, Colorado
Partners: Church Plant
Website: https://www.riverchurch.org
Dates June 14-20th
Ministry: Sports camp outreach to the community to share the Gospel and connect new people to River Church.
Lodging: Hotels in the Loveland area
Travel: Fly to Colorado and travel in rental vehicles around the area.
Partners: International Mission Board (IMB)
Website: https://www.imb.org
Dates: TBD (June/July)
What is the process for going on a mission trip?
- Pray about taking part.
- Pray about location(s).
- Look at your calendar and consider
- Family events/vacations
- Children's schedules
- Work schedule
**These things should not necessarily be deciding factors but they should be considered.**
- Fill out First Monroe's Interest Form with the button below.
- Get Ministry Safe training done.
- Attend the trip specific meetings.
- Fundraise and meet financial steps.