Sermon Notes

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Summer in the Psalms:: How to Live the Blessed Life (Ps. 112)

The Point: The person who fears the Lord will be blessed.

Passage: Psalm 112

What does it mean to be blessed?

Passage: Psalm 112:1

Who gets the blessed life?

Passage: Psalm 112:1; 111:10

What does it mean to fear the Lord?

"Well, fear here is not terror that drives you from the LORD as if he’s out to do you harm. The fear here is rather a positive thing. It’s about your heart being filled with awe and adoration and wonder as you consider the majesty, power, holiness, wisdom, and grace of the LORD.

"God is to be feared, but that fear is a wholesome, positive, good thing. And this fear will always bear a harvest of good fruit in your life. The fear of the LORD has the power to defeat all other fears that could grip your heart." -Paul Tripp

  1. Takes God seriously
  2. Believes God's way is the best way
  3. Reorients life around God's way

A person who fears the Lord is someone who is living fully devoted to Jesus.

What will the fear of the Lord produce?

1) A person who is successful

Reputation of righteousness

  • Ps. 112:3, 6, 9; Pro. 22:1

Blessing to their family

  • Ps. 112:2

Good steward of resources

  • Ps. 112:3; 1 Timothy 6:17-19

2) A person who displays the character of God.


  • Ps. 112:6

Gracious & Merciful

  • Ps. 112:4


  • Ps. 112:5, 9; 2 Cor. 9:15


  • Ps. 112:5

3) A person who is stable in difficulty

Passages: Ps. 112:4, 7-8; Matthew 7:24-25; Ps. 37:25

Am I living the blessed life?

Passage: Ps. 112:10

Question: Do I fear the Lord?

Your fear of God will be in direct proportion to your view of who God is.

Challenge: Read Isaiah 40:9-31