What is GO Week?
Outreach Opportunities:
We would love for you to come along with us in these opportunities to serve our community! Listed below is the GO WEEK schedule with a description of each opportunity. Sign up for any or all of these opportunities with each button below!
Monday, Sept. 16th
- Donut Drop on Tower - Help us deliver donuts to all of the businesses here on Tower Drive! We will meet at First Monroe on Monday, September 16th @ 7:30 AM and then will disperse to deliver the donuts.
Tuesday, Sept. 17th
- Homebound Deliveries - On Tuesday, Sept. 17th @ 10:30 AM, we will meet at First Monroe to package together goodies for our Homebound church members. Then we will divide up and deliver to each one!
Wednesday, Sept. 18th
- ULM BCM Lunch - Help us serve lunch to the ULM College students at the BCM! This opportunity will be on Wednesday, Sept. 18th from 10:30 AM-1:30 PM. More info on what is involved at the sign up button below!
- Lexington Elementary Lunch - On Wednesday, Sept. 18th, we will also go to Lexington Elementary to serve lunch to the teachers and staff! Meet us there at Lexington Elementary.
- How to Share Your Story Training- Wednesday, Sept. 18th at 6pm in the sanctuary. Come and learn how to share your story with others.
Thursday, Sept. 19th
- Wellspring Donation House - Help us sort through and organize the donations they have received for the Wellspring Foundation. Meet us there at their Donation House on Thursday, Sept. 19th from 5:30-7:30 PM!
Saturday, Sept. 21st
- Care & Hope Ministry - Meet us at the Care & Hope Ministry on Saturday, Sept. 21st from 9 AM-NOON!
- Seeker Springs Ministry - Meet us at Seeker Springs on Saturday, Sept. 21st from 9 AM-NOON! We will be helping with some outside projects.
Personal Mission Challenges:
Monday, Sept. 16th
Pray for the lost. Who is in your life right now that does not know Jesus? Commit to praying for them this day. Pray that their hearts would be open to Jesus, that He would restore them, and that they would choose to surrender and follow Him.
Tuesday, Sept. 17th
Connect with a neighbor. Meet someone new that is in your neighborhood, that you work with, that you sit beside in class, that you see all the time at the gym, etc. Initiate a conversation with them, to make that first connection.
Wednesday, Sept. 18th
Pray with/for someone. Wherever you are today (work, school, neighborhood, gym, at lunch, etc.) - pray with/for someone. It could be someone new, like your waiter/waitress at lunch, or it could be someone that you work with all the time. Be intentional about asking to pray with that person.
Thursday, Sept. 19th
Share your Restoration Story. Write down what your life was like before knowing Jesus and now what your life is like after knowing Jesus. After writing it down, share it with someone. You can also type it out to send in an email, text it to someone, or post on social media.
Friday, Sept. 20th-Sunday, Sept. 22nd
Have a Gospel conversation. Take the time this weekend to truly sit down with one that you know does not know Jesus, and share the Gospel with them. You could share your Restoration story with them as well.